Adventurous couples sessions are a personal favorite of mine. I got to travel down to Brookings, Or and shoot with Jessica and Eugene at Secret Beach!
If these photos still aren’t convincing enough to go shoot at this location, here are some more reasons why you should book your next session on the Southern Oregon coast!
First off, I mean look at this place! The rocky coastline makes for timeless shots, along with enough spots for a lot of greenery as well (plus it’s not far from the redwoods!)
Because it’s farther south, there’s a better chance for good weather! I took these in February, and Brookings was a little pocket of sunshine where everywhere else was foggy!
Since it’s not a “typical” kind of beach setting, there aren’t a ton of crowds or people. You have some hikers and stuff, but they are usually moving and so they’re easier to maneuver around for shots, giving you a more intimate setting!
Perfect, I’ve convinced you! So now that you want to shoot here, here’s a couple of things to help you out:
If you’re driving north to get there, the parking lot (more like a ditch) will be on your left, and opposite if you’re driving south.
Once you get there, you should see a path on the right side while looking towards the ocean. It’s not terribly far, just a bit steep and muddy in some areas obviously if it’s been raining. We went in February.
Once you get there, you’ll see lots of greenery and good lookout areas.
To get down to the beach you have to go down some steep and slippery rocks, I definitely recommend hiking boots. The first thing you’ll see once you’re down on the beach is a cute little waterfall on your left and the nice intimate beach ahead.
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